Approved registrations and a CHANGE OF VENUE

Hey everybody!

Including our organizers, we have 20 great people registered for THATCampSAA 2014. Thanks so much for participating.

We have a new venue. Instead of another boring and cold room at the Marriott, we are being hosted at the fabulous DC Public Library Digital Commons! Here is the site info:

DC Public Library Digital Commons
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library (DC Public Main Branch)
901 G St. NW
Washington,  DC  20001
Google map

Metro Stop: Gallery Place, Metro Center

Please propose sessions! Even though we “wing it” with an agenda at the first session, it is useful to have some proposals we can brainstorm with and build our day around. You submitted some great ideas to talk about and some desired personal outcomes, so return to some of those “why I’d like to be at THATCamp” notions and propose something…even just a data-gathering session where you can share applications/websites and have a look at some together is a useful type of session for many.

Soon I’ll be sending out a list of attendees and sharing some highlights of our registrations so far but in the meantime, while you think of some sessions you might propose, have a look at your fellow Campers!

All best,


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